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Topaz is known as a stone of love and good fortune.
This clear crystal is believed to release tension, inducing relaxation, joy, generosity, abundance and good health.
Topaz may also be an excellent communication aid thought to promote openness, honesty, self-realization and self-control.
Numerological Vibe: 6
Communication | Love | Joy
African Jade
African Jade may encourage self-sufficiency, skillful negotiation, and acute perception of hidden agendas.
It is a very useful stone to broaden the mind on future goals, while also helping to feed passion into those goals.
African Jade encourages the keeper to see the beauty all around them; almost seeing the world as a pure aura of colors. It is thought to release blocked energies, allowing for more patience, authenticity, and stamina.
Numerological Vibe: 11
Hope | Willpower | Perspective
Honey Calcite
Honey Calcite teaches us understanding and use of power.
It may encourage responsibility and leadership, and is believed to increase feelings of self-worth, confidence, and courage.
Honey Calcite is also considered helpful for learning of all types and developing skills.
Numerological Vibe: 8
Courage | Confidence | Leadership
3″ x 4″ Muslin Pouch