Where were we?

Ah yes! WHO ARE we…

The second definition of the word aware really taps into the power of affirmation and our ability to manifest the very reality we see.

What we do is a reflection of what we actually believe.  Who we are.

The statement in singular form is who I am.

Am is a verb meaning to be.

What we say is the magnification of a thought.  What we hear and see in the universe of our own mind.

Look at these again, but as vibrational frequencies projected into the physical realm via sound.

“I don’t have time…”

“I don’t have the money…”

“I don’t know how…”

-Everyone at some point about some thing

Each of these statements is really saying:

“I am not…”

Not what?

Not ready to be wealthy.

More specifically:

“I am not ready to do this thing people who have wealth do, so I can be wealthy.”

Be.  Do.  Have.

DON’T be.  CAN’T do.  WON’T have.

Be a LITTLE.  Do a LITTLE.  Have a LITTLE.

Be a LOT.  Do a LOT.  Have a LOT.

Simple principles…

Psychologically, being aware of “who we are” is a direct correlation to “who we will be”.

Spiritually, I Am that I Am is a name that harnesses the true power of God in every utterance.

This awareness is knowledge.  Knowledge is powerAwareness is power.

Ironically, the very same awareness charges you to BE CURIOUS.

Our next installment.

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